Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Devil's Wingman by J.M. Davis Cover Reveal!

I'm excited to be part of the cover reveal for author, J.M. Davis, which will be published April 29th by The Wild Rose Press! Isn't it just gorgeous?

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Want the blurb for this Paranormal Romance? (Well, who wouldn't, right?):

After the death of her father and her own serious issues, Kara Maven decides to move back to her hometown to complete her senior year at Belman University. She settles into life on campus when her world is shaken by a handsome bad boy with a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Dominic Benenati is a half-demon Damamah, or whisperer, whose role on earth is to ensure Hell’s population thrives by pushing humans to act upon their sinful thoughts.

To complicate matters, enter Cayden Adams who is an angel determined to save Kara from Dominic’s influence. But does Kara really want to be saved?

Author Bio:

I work full-time as a zoo curator, so when I'm not running a zoo, I'm trying to tame the one I live in! I have two kids, and a husband who sometimes acts their age. I can usually be found jamming to Elvis Presley tunes, or diligently chipping away at my never-ending 'to be read' pile. I tend to gravitate toward anything paranormal. I love creatures who fly and characters who sprout fur or fangs. Sprinkle some romance and magic into the mix, and I'm a happy girl!

You can connect with J.M. Davis in the following places:

I don't know about you, but I think I'm going to have to add this book to my ever-growing TBR list!


  1. Yummy cover, and the blurb sizzles! J.M., love your bio, and how cool to be a full-time zoo curator. Congrats on The Devil's Wingman!

    1. Hello Mae! Being a zoo curator must be fascinating and more than likely a day job she doesn't want to give up! (At least I wouldn't...) Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Hello Mae! Thank you so much for the kind words! I cannot wait to introduce Dominic to everyone! He's a spicy little devil! :)
      Working with animals and writing are passions of mine, so I am blessed to be able to do both!
      Thank you for taking the time to share in my reveal, and I hope you will connect with me on facebook, and/or twitter!


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