Our pagan ancestors, by necessity, immersed themselves in the
rhythms of nature. We see the proof for that in ancient archeological sites all
over the world. Within agricultural societies, seasonal or astronomical
occurrences were critical to their survival. Over the centuries, some of these
events have become Christian holidays, while others remain routed in our pagan
past. For many, the Autumn Equinox is a period of feasting, thanksgiving, and
contemplating the approach of winter.
An equinox, by definition indicates equal periods of light
and darkness, suggesting balance. After the day passes, the northern latitudes slips
day by day, into the long night of winter. The Autumn Equinox stands opposite
the Vernal Equinox, also known as the spring equinox. In the spring, we
celebrate rebirth as the earth awakens from the winter, sheds her drab winter
coat, and adorns herself with vivid, beautiful colors. But I digress. We were
talking about the equinox of autumn, were we not... And did I mention the pomegranates?
By Simone Pignoni
As one version goes, the Greeks labeled this delightful, delicious fruit as the
“food of the dead,” and it’s all because of Persephone. Persephone is the daughter
of Zeus and Demeter, the Greek goddess of the harvest. According to the myth,
the beautiful Persephone captured the attention of Hades, ruler of the Underworld
and he wanted her for his own.
With the help of mighty Zeus, Hades kidnapped Persephone and
without a backward glance, carried her off to his gloomy realm. When Demeter
discovered her daughter missing, she sunk into despair. While she mourned, all
green things ceased to grow and earth fell into perpetual winter. Zeus had no
choice but to order her release.