Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Three Ghosts of Christmas...

A Christmas Carol, written by Charles Dickens and published in 1843 is one of my favorite Christmas stories. As part of our family Christmas traditions, we either read it, or watch one of the many movie versions we own based on the story. The kids love Disney's version starring Mickey Mouse and I think I'm kind of partial to the one starring George C. Scott... (We also like Scrooged...ahem)

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. London: Chapman & Hall, 1843. First edition. Title page.

Anyway, I',m sure it doesn't surprise anyone who knows me, or reads my blogs or books that the Three Ghosts of Christmas fascinates me. We have the ghost of Christmas Past, which takes Scrooge on a journey filled with Christmas memories. The ghost of Christmas Present that forces dear old Scrooge to see firsthand the holiday celebrations of those way less fortunate and, finally, we have the ghost of Christmas Future...a future that might be but doesn't have to be. During my childhood, all the ghosts scared the Dickens right out of me (sorry, couldn't resist) because the thought of one of them showing up in the middle of the night by my bed seemed anything but pleasant.

Nonetheless, as over the years I gave the matter some thought, I decided that taking a journey with the ghost of Christmas Past might actually be fun because I've had so many amazing Christmas memories, some of which I've already shared.

The ghost of Christmas Present? I don't know...a visit with him would make me wish for Santa's super powers...

And how about that ghost of Christmas Future? I thought long and hard about that one. If there was such a thing as that particular Christmas spirit, or even a crystal ball, would you use it? Would you want to know what would transpire in your future, or would you rather just take it as it comes? I think of the the song "The Dance," by Garth Brooks:

"Holding you, I held everything
For a moment, wasn't I king
But if I'd only known how the king would fall
Hey, who's to say! I might've changed it all
Our lives are better left to chance
I could have missed the pain
But I've have had to miss the dance."

There's a lot of wisdom there, but then again, take a look at Scrooge... With a small peek into the future, he changed his life for the better, and it not only affected him, it also affected those around him.

So... here's a couple of questions for you...Which Christmas ghost would you like to take a trip with, and would you really want to take a look at your future?

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, or if you don't celebrate Christmas, then Happy Holidays!!

The on-going Shadow of the Witte Wieven book tour....

I have two stops today so that I can celebrate Christmas with my family next week while you do the same:  Kit 'N Kabookle and It's Raining Books. So if you have a minute during this last week before Christmas, stop by and enter our giveaway for another chance to win...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Remaining Tour Stops:

December 31:  Bunny's Review

January      7:  Coffee Books and Art
January     14: The Avid Reader
January     21:  Booklover Sue
January     28:  Yeah Books! Blog


  1. I think I would go with Christmas past. I would be safe there because I loved my past. I had the best Christmas ever.

  2. A Christmas Carol is my favorite Christmas story. I make sure I watch some version of it (along with Elf, my other fave) every year. I just watched the one with George C. Scott the other night and still remember that from childhood.

    I would elect to go with Christmas past, as it would be fun to experience some of those many wonderful Christmases again from an adult perspective.

    As for looking into a crystal ball or taking a trip with the ghost of Christmas future....nah, don't think I want to do that. Maybe because I do love the song The Dance so much, but I'm happy with letting events unfold as they were intended!

    1. I think I must also confess to a love of Polar Express...maybe it's the ghost in that one too! Anyway, I think you're right, Mae! Let's allow that future to roll without any interference from us! Thanks for stopping by and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  3. First Of All, Merry Christmas. I was a bit delayed as you probably can tell, since it has been more than a week since this was posted, but I finally had a chance to stop by.
    As to your question, if I was visited by one of the three spirits, I believe It would have to be the Ghost of Christmas Past as well. I would love to go back and relive all my past Christmas's and see all the good times I have had with my family at each Christmas Day that has past.
    As to the Ghost of Christmas Future, I am not sure... A part of me would be really curious, but the other part of me thinks that it is best not to know the future so I can experience what is happening now.

    1. Merry Christmas to you! That future ghost is a temptation,,,but then again, maybe it's best not to know after all.... Thanks so much for stopping by during this busy, hectic holiday season!


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