Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Christmas Memories with Santa Claus!

Well...the tree is up and arrayed in all it's splendid glory! The rest of the house is still a work in progress but the tree is all a sparkle! What do you think? 

I don't know why, but a Christmas tree can put me in the Christmas spirit faster than anything else. Maybe it's because of the countless memories it invokes. After all, around here, the tree begins the season.

Now, because my only sister was born on Christmas Day (and that event is my most special and favorite Christmas memory) Santa Claus was a frequent Christmas Eve visitor to our home. We thought it so sad that my dad always had a meeting to attend whenever he showed up. Santa was just so busy, he couldn't wait for his return either! Nonetheless, we loved sharing the details of that visit with Dad over and over once he got home. Then as we grew older, our association with Santa provided even more amazing memories.

I remember the time we accompanied Santa to a church Christmas party where all of the children were given the opportunity to climb up on his lap and personally tell him what they wanted for Christmas. After that party we followed Santa to a Christmas tree lot. A young child ran after him and said, "Santa! Santa! Wait! We've moved!"

Calling the boy by name, Santa said, "I know that Joey and don't you worry. Since you've been such a good boy, I'll be sure to visit."

Then, one year we were given the rare opportunity to travel with Santa as he took bags of gifts, toys, and food to a family that didn't expect him to come that year. What a glorious, wonderful experience to share that event with Santa. You can better well believe a lot of tears were shed, and not just by the family Santa visited!

There are more stories I could share but I'll let these suffice! Because right now, I want to know if you have a special memory about a visit with Santa?



  1. Christmas is the most favorite time of the year for me.. From the most special Santa memories every year with those most amazing twinkle green eyes and belly laugh to the celebration of the Savior's birth what could be more perfect. Miss you dad love you hard. Thanks for being the best..

  2. Amen to that Tammy! Amazing memories, amazing man...

  3. What beautiful memories and stories. And I just love the accompanying photos. Our Christmas trees are up as well, and I've been listening to Christmas music throughout the day at work. There is definitely a magical spirit in the air right now. I can't say I have any specific Santa memories, but I have great memories of family Christmas celebrations. I remember as a child going to midnight mass on Christmas Eve with my family. When we got home we were allowed to open one gift, then it was up to bed until we raced downstairs the following morning. Thanks for sharing your memories with the rest of us! :)

    1. We did the open one gift on Christmas Eve as well, and more often than not, they were the cozy, warm, flannel pajamas my mom made us. How we loved those! Thanks for sharing your memories Mae! I loved hearing them!

  4. Replies
    1. I'm glad you enjoyed them Mary! Thanks so much for stopping by...I love it when you visit!

  5. I love the Christmas Season!! I don't remember very many, but in recent years I have loved seeing the lights are hung up and seeing the many yard displays when I drive home. I especially like the time decorating our house and spending time with my sisters during the process of getting everything hung and placed in the right place, and after we are done seeing how pretty everything looks. I also like the opportunity to get gifts for my family, even if its just a small trinket, but to let them know I am thinking about them during the Christmas Holiday. And listening to all the great Christmas Songs on my Ipod or other various music players... As you probably can just tell I just love everything about the Christmas Season, and my mom is forever telling me that it is something that I share with my dear Uncle Ray.

    1. Thanks for sharing that with us! I loved hearing about your traditions and it reminded me so much of my own!


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