Saturday, March 15, 2014

The "Van Locken's Witch" Blurb Blitz Tour Winner of our gorgeous necklace is...

First, I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the Van Locken's Witch, Blurb Blitz Tour. I found every single comment made, such a pleasure to read. You all warmed my heart far more than you might guess (and I'm going to pretend that gorgeous necklace had nothing to do with coercing all of your lovely comments... ;)). 

I would also like to thank all of my hosts, who so willingly found room for me on their blogs. I especially would like to acknowledge those who followed all, or nearly all, of the stops and made their sweet comments at each and every one of them. You all know who you are and truly, I wish I had a necklace for each of you. But alas, I don't have Lissa's unique talents, though at times, I wished I did.

Now, having said all that, I know you are all anxiously awaiting the name of the winner of our prize, so I won't torture you any longer!

This little Enchantress did the honors of selecting the winner. I couldn't have asked for a better or more capable helper! (I know, isn't she just the cutest thing?)

Early this morning, after we filled the hat with all seventy plus names we generated throughout the contest, she waved a bit of magic fairy dust over the hat and then dipped her little fingers inside. (You know, I was really nervous that she'd grab a whole handful...but she handled her given task beautifully.)

Just as we asked (either by luck or direction) she took hold of a single slip of paper and, after a little coaxing, some fun and games, she handed it over.  

And so... Congratulations Nicole! Contact me for information regarding details of delivery.

RUNNERS-UP... If you hung in there with me this long, then thank you! As my runner's up, I'm gifting you all with a free Ebook copy of "Van Locken's Witch", in the format of your choice. This coupon will expire Sunday night, so don't delay!  Just go to and enter the coupon code found below. Enjoy!

Promotional price: $0.00
Coupon Code: JP77C
Expires: March 16, 2014

Hopefully, I'll see you all on the next go round!

Coming soon (and because we had so much fun with the first)... Character Interviews for the characters of "Shadow of the Witte Wieven," so if you have questions, ask them here or shoot me an email! 


  1. Oh my goodness!!!! YAYYYY!!!! THANK YOU, so so so much for having this book tour and giveaway! I am so excited to have won Lissa's beautiful necklace! I cant tell you how much i enjoyed this book and to have such a huge part of what made this book great, is such an honor! I will cherish it for years to come! I honestly can't thank you and Shandra Kay enough! Both of your guys' generosity has made my year!! I anxiously await your next book tour! And THANK YOU, THANK YOU again!

    1. Aww...your're just so sweet! Thank you for all of your compliments... (blushing). We were pleased to offer necklace so enjoy it!

  2. And that darling little girl is just the cutest thing I've ever seen!! What a great little helper! Tell her thanks for me as well!!!

    1. We're kind of partial to her too and I'll quite happily pass along your thanks! I'm sure it will make her smile.

  3. Congratulations to Nicole and congrats to you too, Debbie for having such a fun and successful tour. Your helper is adorable. The hat's almost as big as she is, LOL! What a cutie :)

  4. Thanks Mae! And I'll have to admit...the little munchkin has all of us wrapped around her tiny little finger...


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