Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Star Catcher, by Stephanie Keyes!

Today, I am really excited to host Stephanie Keys as she allows us a peek inside the Star Catcher of her Star Child Series!

The Star Catcher by Stephanie Keyes 
(The Star Child #3)

Publisher: Inkspell Publishing 
Release Date: November 10, 2013

Grab it: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo


Magick and destiny intertwine as he fights to save his kingdom and the goddess he loves.

Her kiss…the feel of her skin…the beat of her heart…For seventeen-year-old Kellen St. James, each memory is marred by a single sentence on a lone strip of paper.

Cali has been taken…

Armed with an amulet that channels the ultimate power of Faerie, Kellen searches for his love. However, control of the amulet’s energy comes with a price, and Kellen soon learns that Cali’s captor has plans for the stone. With the threat of the Star Catcher’s evil looming above Kellen and his kingdom, he’ll have to free the Heart of Faerie and break the curse the binds the Children of Danu to the darkness. But before that, he has to find his real father, the king. No pressure, right?

Kellen and Cali will battle bewitched armies and unknown foes as they fight to stay together. Will Kellen embrace his immortal destiny? Or will his world, and the man he is fated to become, be destroyed by The Star Catcher?

Book Trailer:

Check out the trailer by Kristen Kress of Brain Fry Productions.

Star Catcher Book Trailer from Brain Fry Productions on Vimeo.


“Right.” Automatically, I turned to go right, my usual default.

Don’t use your brain, K. Cast out your senses and search for your father that way. Logic won’t find him.

“You have a point.” Mortal folklore and beliefs had gotten us this far, but from here on out, I’d need to use my gut. Closing my eyes, I focused on the hallway where I stood, reaching out. My mind crept like a thief, snaking into each open space. Yet no one was there. Otherwise, I would have sensed something. Changing tactics, I shifted my attention to the corridor on my left. Immediately, I received an emotion back—complete and utter happiness—a sensation of fulfillment that went   far beyond what most people experience. Soundlessly, I moved down the hallway, drawn toward the sensation of contentment.

What is it?

Someone’s happy, I answered with my mind, not wanting to speak the words out loud and give myself away. I could sense the close proximity of the feelings I’d picked up on.

Be careful. It could be a trap.

But as I wandered forward, I got the feeling it wasn’t. I needed to walk this corridor. I’d been waiting my entire life for it. The closer I came to the happiness, filling up the place like a cloud, the more I considered never leaving, staying in this place forever. What could the outside world possibly have to offer? What? Wait a minute. What was that I’d been thinking? Cali was waiting for me. I had to get back to Cali. I pushed forward.

“Willock, is that you?”

I froze. That voice. It was my father’s voice,   not the evil tone I’d become used to over the years with the fake Stephen. Instead, this voice sounded pleasant, welcoming. I had just reached the doorframe when I paused. I had two more steps to take, and I would see my father.

Giveaway Details:

1 Complete E-book Set of the Entire Star Child Series (INT)
Multiple e-book Copies of The Star Catcher (INT)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Stephanie Keyes grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and spent years traveling and working as a Corporate Trainer before she made the decision to pen her first novel.  As a teen, her family always accused her of having an “overactive imagination.” Now, she’s encouraged to keep her head in the clouds and share her world with readers.

Still a resident of the ‘Burgh, Steph is now Mom to two little boys who constantly keep her on her toes. In addition, she's best friend to her incredible rockstar of a husband. She is an active member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), as well as a featured author for Love a Happy Ending Lifestyle e-magazine.

Keyes is the author of the YA Fantasy series, The Star Child, which currently includes The Star Child, After Faerie, The Fallen Stars, and The Star Catcher, all from by Inkspell Publishing. Steph writes YA novels because she’s a hopeless romantic who lives to believe that Magick truly does exist. She is hard at work on a new YA novel.

Author links:

Do you need to catch up on this amazing series? Then take advantage of this one week only sale!


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me today, Debbie! :)

  2. Your book sounds very exciting. I guess I have some catching up to do.

  3. Stephanie is very talented Tammy, you won't want to miss this series! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. A magical sounding series. The covers are stunning!

  5. Hello Mae! Nice of you to drop by! I agree, Najla Qamber does wonderful cover designs!


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