Fünfmastvollschiff Royal Clipper by Engelberger |
First question goes to Wolf Dircksen Van Ness, First Mate and best friend of Kapitien Rand Van Locken:
Tell me, Wolf, were you attracted to Lissa yourself, or were you just pushing Rand's buttons in the beginning of the book?
(Wolf laughs.) "Now, there isn't a red-blooded man out there who wouldn't be attracted to the lovely, lady Lissa! However, I knew right from the beginning that Rand was completely besotted by the girl. Stubborn man didn't want to admit it though, so I decided to give him a friendly push in the right direction. After all, a more perfect woman for our highly-regarded kapitein just didn't exist and I think we all knew that."
While I have you here Wolf, here is another question for you:
What did you have planned for the first man to step into that confessional?"