Monday, November 10, 2014

Cover Reveal! Poison Tree by Kacey Vanderkarr...

I am excited to have Kacey here today as she shares her lovely new cover for her upcoming release!

Poison Tree
By Kacey Vanderkarr
Release date: December 2, 2014

Poison Tree Blurb:

The road to the City of War is dangerous.

With their home in ruins, Callie and Rowan are Eirensae’s last hope of stealing the cauldron back from Fraeburdh. They must travel into the human world where the Fallen hide. The banished fae wait for Callie, desperate to sacrifice her before she comes of age. 

If Callie and Rowan survive the journey, something worse looms in Fraeburdh. Rowan is 
destined for a dark family legacy too horrifying to accept, and his father is anxious to welcome him home. Once the truth is revealed, will Callie ever look at Rowan the same way? 

Trapped between feuding cities lost in a centuries-old war, Callie and Rowan will face their biggest rivals yet, and neither of them will make it out unscathed.

Author Bio:

KACEY VANDERKARR is a young adult author. She dabbles in fantasy, romance, and sci-fi, 
complete with faeries, alternate realities, and the occasional plasma gun. She’s known to be annoyingly optimistic and listen to music at the highest decibel. Kacey is president of the Flint Area Writers and the Social Media Director for Sucker Literary. When she’s not writing, she coaches winterguard and works as a sonographer. Kacey lives in Michigan, with her husband, son, and crazy cats. In addition to her novels, Antithesis and Reflection Pond, Kacey’s short fiction is featured in Sucker Literary Vol III, Out of the Green: Tales from Fairyland, and will appear in Spark Vol VII and the inaugural issue of Ember: A Journal of Luminous Things. Check out her website: 


Reflection Pond on Amazon

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So, what do you think? Take a minute and drop Kacey a comment. I'm sure she'd appreciate it!

1 comment:

  1. Such an unusual and intriguing cover. If I was browsing in a book store, between the title and cover, I would definitely pick this up for a closer look. Good luck with Poison Tree, Kacey!


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