Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Phantoms of Powis Castle...

Since many of the scenes in "Court of the Hawk" take place in an ancient castle, I thought I'd share some of the ghostly goings on inside the castle known as Powis.

Now, on a rocky promontory in Welshpool, Wales, Powis Castle has proudly stood for centuries. This magnificent fortress served a dynasty of Welsh princes and as one might expect, a host of residents died within its boundaries. Some have remained.

When it comes to the spirits of Powis, we have a little something for everyone!  There are shy spirits who lurk about the Dukes room and the ballroom wing. We also have accounts of a lady dressed in black. For whatever the reason, she sits in a chair facing the fireplace in the Duke’s Room. No one knows quite who she is though. Is she sad? Or just bored?

Would you like to actually feel a ghost if not see one? Over the years, some have reported physical contact by an otherworldly presence. They say they can feel a hand brushing their arm and when they turn to look, no one is there. At least, no one living.

Many hear the piano in the ballroom wing played by unseen hands, and some have even seen the stool moving when the room is empty of mortals. Loud knocking on doors and windows after the castle is locked up tight is a common occurrence as well.

Then we have the lady in a mop cap (not to be confused with the lady in black). She likes to sit at the bottom of the bed. 

Workmen on the site often report a hand at the back of their neck--unsettling to say the least-- and some have opted not to return because of it.

Within the area called the Clive Museum, many guests have witnessed a child dressed in green. But not for long...you see, you only get a glimpse! So you might want to focus.

Often, the staff reports an unseen presence that tugs on their shirts while in the Tea Room. 

We also have reports of a ghostly phantom that seems to enjoy riding his horse around the grounds. As I said, a little something to indulge everyone's paranormal leanings...or not as the case might be. 

What about you? A fan of the paranormal or not so much?

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  1. I think it might be quite interesting to see a ghostly rider on the grounds (from a safe distance), but if I glimpsed any of those haunting or roaming the castle, I am fairly positive I would have to pack up and leave, LOL! This place has quite a list of otherworldly inhabitants. Fascinating as always!

    1. I wonder if those who work in such places ever get complacent when spotting a ghost... you know.. "Oh, there goes Henry again!" Thanks for stopping by Mae!

  2. LOL! I think that could make for some interesting fun in a novel!

  3. I love reading accounts of the Paranormal. And there seems to be a lot of paranormal activity going on at Powis Castle. I never had a ghostly encounter, but I have always wondered at my reaction if I did come across one. I think I would love to follow the ghost that rides his horse around the grounds. I am curious if he actually checks on them like they did way back when or if he is just enjoying the ride?

    1. Let's hope he is enjoying the ride! Thanks for stopping by Mysti! I love your visits!


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