Monday, August 18, 2014

Spirit of the Knight Book Tour and Giveaway is winding down...

With just a few week left to go, I thought I would take this opportunity to offer one final excerpt from the story. Enjoy!

Spirit of the Knight

At that moment, he had an overwhelming desire to make her acquaintance and ask the questions that plagued him. Yet, caution warned that she might flee the castle altogether if he manifested his form. Such happened often enough through the endless days following his death. But then again, that had been his objective with all uninvited guests. Though he could find no logical reason to support the need, he found he didn’t want this particular woman to go, at least not yet.

Still, those nagging questions needed answering, did they not? Just as he moved toward her, the annoying sound of her phone chirped once again. She extracted the thing from her pocket and made her way to the window. This time she focused her attention on the brilliance of the night sky. Starlight glistened through the lingering storm clouds and bathed her face with its radiance. In response, the desire to make her acquaintance strengthened and for a brief moment, he wavered.

The incoming call made the final decision for him. He would wait for a better time to show himself. Yet, despite that decision, Cailen continued the journey to her side. He placed both arms on either side of her body, and rested his hands against the casement, thus temporarily holding her captive. Before she opened her mouth to speak, he dropped
his head close to her ear and whispered, “Another time,then, Murriah.”

Her incredulous expression as she whirled around and just collided with his chest almost made him laugh. Probably would have if not for the fact she fixed her gaze exactly with his. She couldn’t see him for he hadn’t revealed himself. Yet, it truly seemed otherwise,
and given the chance, he could quite easily lose himself in those eyes of hers. Just as he prepared to speak aloud, she found her wits and answered her phone. He conjured a disappointed sigh and left her to her conversation.


SO... just out of curiosity, would you be afraid if the ghost of a handsome knight, begged to make your acquaintance?

Also, Patricia, at  Room With Books, has invited me over for an interview today! I hope you'll stop by and leave a comment, for as you all know, this increases your chances of winning our amazing art print!

Prayer for the Fallen, by Shandra Kay!


  1. I think I would be freaked out initially. But a handsome, chivalrous knight would certainly go a long way in making me forget my fear. What a fairy tale that would be! :) Congrats on the tour, Debbie. It's been fun to follow along.

    1. I concur on both counts! (A girl can dream, right?" Thanks for stopping by Mae! I love it when you visit!

  2. I would love for one to appear. Hec ya but I would be scared to death..

    1. Well...maybe after you got used to the idea... ;D

  3. I am not sure how I would act if a handsome knight ghost begged to make my acquaintance. I am pretty sure I would be dumbfounded at least. I would be wondering why he choose to make an appearance before me... And hopefully I wouldn't be too freaked out and run away, at least before checking him out!!! ^-^

    1. You make me laugh... and you know, I think it would be only polite to respond in kind!

  4. I liked the excerpt of Spirit of Knight. I know I would enjoy reading this book. Thank you

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, Linda! I am happy you stopped by!


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