Friday, September 21, 2012

"The Star Child" Release Day Party!

I invite everyone to come and join in the fun of Stephanie's "Happy Book Birthday Party!"

Book Excerpt

The moment he released his grip on me, I gasped for air. With not a moment to lose, I raised my sword above my head with a strength and agility I didn’t know I possessed. Then I was charging at Cabhan, who met my challenge running toward me.
 “Kellen, no.” I was frozen in mid-air. Calienta had crooked a finger at me and frozen me in place. “You can’t kill him, Kellen, you’re a mortal. He’ll take your life. Please back down.” She released me and I dropped to the ground, my knees like jelly.
Color flooded my face as humiliation coursed through my veins. I was about to tell her my real thoughts when I glanced down at the sword in my hand and noticed an inscription on the hilt: Claíomh Solais.
 I rose to my feet, gripping Calienta’s arm. “Look, you have to trust me on this. I know what to do.”
 Her eyes met mine, confused, afraid. I sensed her anger and fear all at once as she spoke. “How do you know what to do? How could you?”
 “You have to trust me. You asked me to trust you once; do you trust me?”
Her eyes lingered on mine, intense, concerned. “I do.”

About the Book

The world is about to be cloaked in darkness. Only one can stop the night.

Kellen St. James has spent his entire life being overlooked as an unwanted, ordinary, slightly geeky kid. That is until a beautiful girl, one who has haunted his dreams for the past eleven years of his life, shows up spinning tales of a prophecy. Not just any old prophecy either, but one in which Kellen plays a key role.

Suddenly, Kellen finds himself on the run through a Celtic underworld of faeries and demons, angels and gods, not to mention a really ticked off pack of hellhounds, all in order to save the world from darkness. But will they make it in time?

About the Author

Stephanie Keyes holds an undergraduate degree in Management Information Systems as well as a Master's in Education. A seasoned, facilitator, Mrs. Keyes worked in Training and Development for an international telecommunications corporation for twelve years; spending the first eight years of her career as a Software Trainer and Technical Writer and the last four working in Human Resources and Employee Development.

In May of 2012, Mrs. Keyes left the corporate world to focus on her family and her writing full-time. She also operates a freelance graphic and instructional design business, Sycamore Road Design.

Inkspell Publishing will release her first novel, The Star Child, on September 21, 2012. She is now currently at work on the second book in The Star Child Trilogy, The Fallen Stars.

Keyes lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, two children, and Riley the dog.

Contact Stephanie


  1. Thanks for hosting The Star Child blog tour today, Debbie! I am so excited to be here!


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