Friday, May 24, 2013

Memorial Day...A Day We Remember Those Who Gave All...

We remember... and give thanks to all our service men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice... 

Arlington National Cemetery by Andrew Bossi

Formerly known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day is a holiday in which the American people have set aside to remember the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.  

When did it begin? 

In an effort to commemorate the soldiers who gave their lives during the Civil War, both Union and Confederate, this holiday was officially born on May 5, 1868 and first observed on May 30th of that same year. On that day, flowers were placed on each Union and Confederate grave at Arlington National Cemetery, by order of General John A. Logan. Today, we honor all the brave men and women who have fallen, while engaged in military service.

Like most Americans, I have a deep respect and appreciation for all those who serve and have served this country. For those who gave their all in order to make and keep this nation free, and provide us with the liberties we have, I give you my utmost gratitude.

Those who follow my blogs know that many of my ancestors have fought and died while in the service of the United States from her earliest beginnings and forward. As I've collected their histories and documentation of military service, I've wondered over their lives and the families they left behind. They are the reason I chose to use both a Civil War and Revolutionary War soldier as my heroes in "Spirit of the Rebellion" and "Spirit of theRevolution."  In my own way, it's my personal nod to my grandfathers, uncles and cousins who fought in some of America's bloodiest campaigns.

"The March to Valley Forge", by William Trego, 1883
As you can imagine, it thrilled me no end when Wild Rose Press chose to release "Spirit of the Revolution," during the week we celebrate our men in arms. So, to my ancestors who participated in the Revolutionary War...not limited to but including the following ancestral grandfathers:

·         Nicholas Forbes - 
·         William Ferguson -
·         Lewis Ponsler - 
·         John Cartwright
·         John Light
·         Jeremiah Dickenson Jenks

Civil War Ancestors:

.  William Confer - Killed at the battle of Chickamauga
.  David K Newhouase - Killed at the battle of Stones River
.  John A Robison - 
.  Daniel Confer
.  Peter Confer
.  Samuel Confer
.  Hiram Robison
.  David A Robison

World War II Ancestos:

.  William Buskrik
.  Robert Buskirk
.  A.F. Henriksen
.  R.L. Henrksen
.  Dwight Peterson
.  Vernon Peterson

Viet Nam War:

. Michael Ray Mastain

You've made me proud and I salute you!

Today, people celebrate Memorial Day as a day to honor our fallen veterans. The day is celebrated in a variety of ways. Our family has been known to have huge family gatherings, with picnics or barbeques in the mountains or canyons. And of course, for those who live in the vicinity,  family graves are lovingly decorated...

What are your Memorial Day Family traditions?



  1. Great blog! Thanks for sharing...

  2. Thanks for visiting Candice! You know I LOVE it when you stop by!

  3. What an honor to add the names of your ancestors who fought for our country!

    The long Memorial Day weekend is usually a time my husband and I use to put the final touches on our yard for summer and also open our pool. We have a cookout each day to unwind after the work. It's a little chilly here right now, but it's supposed to hint 90 later in the week, so we're still opening the pool!

    Happy Memorial Day, Debbie!

  4. I love summertime cookouts and what better place to plot than lounging by a pool? Thanks for the comment and thanks for stopping by Mae! I love your visits!


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